A peregrine falcon flapping its wings on a ledge in front of a scenic horizon.
Two Wisconsin Public Service male lineworkers take a photo with a woman in a grassy area near work vehicles.
A graphic of a dog with black hair digging a hole next to the words, "Doggone It! Dog digging? Take a photo and win!"
A graphic of a dog with black hair digging a hole next to the words, "Doggone It! Dog digging? Take a photo and win!"
Two men hold up a ceremonial check being presented by the WPS Foundation as part of the CP Telethon.
A WPS lineworker makes repairs to a power line on a utility pole.
A peregrine falcon with blue and white feathers stands over three small chicks with white feathers.
A group of high school students speaks with adults about a solar-powered food cooker on a sunny day.
A peregrine falcon with blue-grey feathers stands over a reddish-orange egg on top of pea gravel.