Five-time Olympic gold medalist Bonnie Blair wins gold again — this time in Wisconsin Public Service (WPS) and We Energies’ peregrine falcon naming contest. “Birdie Blair,” the name in her honor, received the highest number of votes, followed by “Hero” in honor of Wisconsin’s Special Olympics athletes and “Warrior” in honor of Wisconsin’s Paralympic athletes.

People across the state were asked to vote to name the peregrine falcon chicks born at WPS and We Energies power plants in honor of Wisconsin Olympic medalists.

With more than 10,000 votes cast, the top 10 names are:

So far, eight falcon chicks have hatched. They will formally receive their names and identification bands in coming days and weeks. In addition, two eggs were recently laid at the Weston Power Plant and more could be laid in the coming days. They should hatch in about a month.

In the meantime, you can watch the eggs hatch and the chicks grow, build strength and learn to fly on WPS and We Energies’ live cameras.

Peregrine falcon program

WPS and We Energies began installing peregrine falcon nest boxes on power plants in the early ’90s. So far, 452 peregrine falcons have hatched at WPS and We Energies facilities — that’s 20% of all peregrine falcons born in Wisconsin.

This program is another way WPS and We Energies are building a bright, sustainable future. From helping endangered animals and restoring natural habitats, to building new solar facilities and reducing carbon emissions, we are committed to a cleaner future.